Welcome to St Anne’s School in the bayside suburb of Seaford. Our school was founded on the gospel values and teachings of Jesus Christ and now nearly 50 years later we continue to nurture relationships based on these same values and teachings.
We seek to bring into harmony; faith, culture and life within the Catholic Tradition.
We endeavour to have our students live out our motto of ‘Pray, Work, Play’. As such, our school is a place of learning and discovery where students are encouraged to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes required to build a foundation for lifelong learning. Our contemporary learning practices are underpinned by the expectation that all students can achieve, be responsible for and manage their own learning in a supportive environment and gain personal benefit through a sense of challenge and success.
Our school community is vibrant and enthusiastic and we continue to develop partnerships with parents in order to provide a rewarding experience for our families. Our school has the feel of a country school in the bayside environment and we have been told it is unique in this. Our classrooms are bright, large and well resourced, particularly our junior block which was fully refurbished in 2021. The playgrounds are extensive, featuring two exciting Adventure Playgrounds, a large grassed area, and netball and basketball courts.
I hope that our website provides you with an overview of our school but please feel free to contact us should you wish to discover more about us.
Yours sincerely,